VOV.VN - Two delegations of Korean enterprises from Daegu city and Gyeongbuk province are set to conduct 80 direct trade exchange sessions with Vietnamese businesses in Hanoi on October 17, according to the Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA Hanoi).
During the exchange, 15 Republic of Korea (RoK) exporters are expected to introduce diverse products such as cosmetics, food supplements, beverages, household appliances, and LED electrical equipment. These are high-quality products which have been exported to many countries around the world.
Daegu, the fourth largest city in the RoK, is home to a large number of leading businesses in the fields of beauty, health, and consumption, with many showing a keen interest in the potential of the Vietnamese market.
A representative from KOTRA Hanoi confirmed that a delegation of nine manufacturers from Daegu are anticipated to participate in the trade exchange. Several brands of businesses in Daegu are expected to further promote their presence in the country moving forward.
Meanwhile, six enterprises of Gyeongbuk province are expected to introduce their safe and high-quality products in the fields of food, supplements, and beverages at the event.
VOV.VN - Businesses of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea have inked a cooperation deal to invest in manufacturing semiconductor chips and mechanical precision components for the electronics industry.
The Vietnam-Korea trade promotion week will take place in the northern port city of Hai Phong from September 1-10, toward celebrating the 31st anniversary of Vietnam-Republic of Korea (RoK) diplomatic ties.
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