The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission scruntinised violations of and proposed disciplinary actions be taken against officials of the Party Committees of Vinh Phuc and Quang Ngai provinces, at its 38th session in Hanoi on March 18.
The commission reviewed reports proposing disciplinary actions against Hoang Thi Thuy Lan, Member of the Party Central Committee, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairwoman of the People’s Council of the northern province of Vinh Phuc; Le Duy Thanh, Vice Secretary of the Vinh Phuc provincial Party Committee; Dang Van Minh, Chairman of the People's Committee of central province of Quang Ngai; Cao Khoa, former Vice Secretary of the Quang Ngai provincial Party Committee: and Ha Hoang Viet Phuong, head of the Management Board of the Dung Quat Economic Zone in Quang Ngai province.
The individuals showed degradation in political ideology, ethics and lifestyle. They seriously violated the Party's regulations and the State’s laws in performing their assigned duties and tasks in preventing corruption and combating negativity, and violated regulations on things that Party members are banned from doing and the responsibility of setting good examples. They also engaged in negative behaviours, accepted bribes resulting in serious consequences, bad public opinion and affecting the reputation of Party organisations and local authorities.
Based on the Party's regulations, the commission requested competent authorities to consider and discipline these individuals.
The commission will continue to inspect and handle Party organisations and members involved.
The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission considered disciplinary measures against Party organisations and members for wrongdoings during its 17th session in Hanoi on July 13 and 14.
The Party Central Committee’s Politburo and Secretariat on July 28 imposed disciplinary measures on the Standing Boards of the Party Committee of Thanh Hoa in the 2010-2015 and 2015-2020 tenures, and a number of the central province’s former leaders for violating the Party’s regulations and State laws.
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