VOV.VN - The National Assembly on February 18 passed the revised Law on Government Organization, with 463 out of 465 deputies voting in favor, making up 96.86% of the total lawmakers at the ongoing 9th extraordinary session in Hanoi.
The law consists of five chapters and 32 articles and will take effect on March 1.
Presenting the explanatory report, Hoang Thanh Tung, a member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, noted that after incorporating deputies' feedback to ensure consistency with the legal system and strengthen power control and anti-abuse mechanisms in decentralization and delegation, the committee added several new mechanisms and policies to the draft law.
Before the vote, lawmakers listened to Hoang Thanh Tung, Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee for Legal Affairs, present a summary report on the explanations, revisions, and adjustments made to the draft law.
Accordingly, the Standing Committee made several amendments to the draft, including ensuring its consistency with the legal framework, defining the principles of government organization and operation, delineating authority, decentralization, delegation, and authorization, as well as clarifying the tasks, powers, and responsibilities of the Government, the Prime Minister, ministers, and heads of ministerial-level agencies, along with transitional provisions.
Regarding the law's consistency with the legal system, Tung stated that some deputies suggested further reviewing the draft, particularly its provisions on decentralization and delegation, to ensure alignment with the Constitution and other laws under review at this session. Additionally, they recommended including provisions to ensure that decentralization and delegation go hand in hand with power control and preventing abuse.
On the responsibilities of the Government, the Prime Minister, ministers, and heads of ministerial-level agencies, some legislators proposed specifying the Government’s role as the highest state administrative body accountable to the National Assembly. They also suggested refining mechanisms for coordination between the Government, the Prime Minister, the National Assembly, the State President, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, and other agencies. Furthermore, they called for clearer regulations on the Government and the Prime Minister’s accountability before the National Assembly, voters, and the public.
Regarding the Prime Minister’s authority, the Standing Committee added that in cases of national interest, disaster prevention, disease control, or the protection of people's lives and property, the Prime Minister may take urgent measures beyond current legal provisions, reporting to the Party’s competent bodies and the National Assembly at the earliest possible time.
Tung emphasized that these newly introduced mechanisms and policies aim to significantly reform the delineation of authority, decentralization, and delegation, in line with the Party's direction on empowering local levels while ensuring accountability among leaders. This also encourages initiative, innovation, responsibility, and the ability to take bold actions within state agencies, facilitating the resolution of regulatory bottlenecks, streamlining administrative procedures, and unlocking development resources while proactively responding to domestic and global changes to promote national growth and progress. These revisions also ensure alignment with amendments made to the draft Law on Local Government Organization.
Additionally, some deputies proposed new provisions, such as allowing the Prime Minister to oversee ministers and recommend that the National Assembly conduct a vote of confidence or take corrective actions if a minister fails to fulfill duties. They also suggested requiring local governments to report on their delegated powers. The Standing Committee refined these principles, stipulating that decentralization and delegation must clearly define the responsible entity, scope, transparency, accountability, and mechanisms for oversight, inspection, and power control as prescribed by the Constitution and law.
With regard to ministerial accountability, in addition to the National Assembly’s confidence vote mechanism, the Standing Committee noted that the draft law already requires ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies to take individual responsibility before the Prime Minister, the Government, and the National Assembly for their assigned sectors.
Furthermore, when submitting nominations for the appointment, dismissal, or removal of deputy prime ministers, ministers, and heads of ministerial-level agencies, the Prime Minister must seek National Assembly approval. Between National Assembly sessions, the Prime Minister may also submit recommendations to the State President for the temporary suspension of deputy prime ministers, ministers, and ministerial-level agency heads to ensure power control over these positions.
VOV.VN - The National Assembly agreed to rename "extraordinary session" as "irregular session" in the revised Law on Organization of the National Assembly which was passed on February 17 afternoon during the ongoing ninth extraordinary session in Hanoi.
VOV.VN - The Minister of Home Affairs has called for the finalization of National Assembly (NA) resolutions on the dismissal and appointment of certain government members, which will be submitted at the ninth extraordinary session of the legislature on February 12.
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